Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Photo Club Adventure

During the stressful Finals weekend, the photo club decided to take a field trip to Mansfield Hallow Park to relieve some anxiety finals time brings. The weather was perfect that day and we all got some very interesting shots! 


This is a shot of the lake in the park. It wasn't very cold that day, yet there was still a ton of ice on the water. this picture would be best viewed zoomed in. (click on it!)

 There were people walking their dogs, and they let the doggies have a play date together, lucky for me, I had my camera to take pictures!
 This dog's name is Beamer and hes a moonbeam Sheltie. He was the sweetest dog I've ever met! He was very playful, but when he would approach me with my camera he would just pose and stay perfectly still! The photo of the face is actually a cropping of the photo under it--I was able to capture great detail because of how still Beamer stood!

 Sunset time

 Fellow photoclub member, Stephen.


  1. I love that you have a blog! I have one too, but it's sort of personal so I don't tell many people about it. I'll be blogging while in London though so you should follow me!!


  2. and here we are thinking you are studying!

  3. I like the photo of the doggie. You have some nice photos on your blog.
